एक जहाँ और भी है। A New World Beyond The Sky

By Rahul Kumar (मेरी कलम से)

आसमां के उस पार एक जहाँ और भी है 
मंजिल पर है तू मगर, एक राह और भी है 

रुकता क्यों है तू अभी से,

तेरी एक चाह और भी है

आसमां के उस पार एक जहाँ और भी है

ख्वाब जो देखे थे तूने
सच वो सारे करदिए 

पल वो सारे खुशिओं के

जीवन में अपने भर दिए 

आंख क्यों खोलता है अभी से,

तेरा एक ख्वाब और भी है 

आसमां के उस पार एक जहाँ और भी है

अंत नही है ये,
नई एक शुरुवात है ये

जीवन के सच से तेरी मुलाक़ात है ये 

बैठता क्यों है तू अभी से,

नया एक लक्ष्य और भी है 

मंजिल पर है तू मगर एक राह और भी है

आसमां के उस पार एक जहाँ और भी है

Hello, wonderful people of the world (that’s obvious, no one here is from another planet except me, of course)

Few hours ago, one of my blogger friend posted something asked his fellow bloggers to try to do translation of his Hindi poetry (which is really wonderful) to English.

Check out his wonderful blog, you can submit your own entry too!

I have always adored his writing and tried to translate it (I said, I just tried. I know I did a very bad job, but his poetry is wonderful.)

So here it is:

There’s a world beyond the sky, where you would like to stay,

This is your destination? but there is also another way.

Why do you stop right now? There’s still something for which you pray.

There’s a world beyond the sky, where you would like to stay.

Accomplished are all the desires of your dream,

Happiness is shining in your life like sun’s gleam.

Why do you stop dreaming right now? There’s still something for which you pray.

There’s a world beyond the sky, where you would like to stay.
Don’t mistake it as an ending, a new start this is.

Don’t give up, the truth of life this is.

Why do you stop trying right now? There’s still something for which you pray.

There’s a world beyond the sky where you would like to stay. 

Let me know what are your views about it. 

Have a wonderful day!

See you soon…

37 thoughts on “एक जहाँ और भी है। A New World Beyond The Sky

  1. I am so depress these days due to my job and shifting to new city but this blog gave me enthusiasm to leave this job also and live my dream to be in my Hometown and start the company of my own and to pursue my education further…
    thank you!!!! Great work!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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