Free Yourself!

​The stress you’ve placed upon your shoulders is going to crush you. Get rid of it. You don’t need to be perfect. You don’t need have it it all together. You don’t need to please everyone. Place that heavy burden on the ground. Throw it into the sea. Expel it from your being. You’ll be lighter in mind, body and soul.

 Say no without explanations.

Hello, everyone!

How are you doing? 

There are times where we feel low and sad, and there are also times where we feel high and happy, but have you ever noticed that the time never waits for anyone?

If you spend your whole day thinking about “Oh god, I don’t know if I will ever be able to pass the exam” even though that exam is after two weeks, you are ‘spoiling’ your happy time by worrying about what possibly will happen!

It’s up to you to make your day bright, or its up to you to cry finding a corner in your room. But remember, it’s all up to you!

Live your life, because friend, the time neither waits, nor come back!

Have a wonderful day (to the friends enjoying in the sunshine side of the world)

Have a wonderful night (to the friends counting stars in the glittering side of the world)

76 thoughts on “Free Yourself!

      1. I really want to go in the field of medical. But since my teacher and sister preferred me to take maths also, I will be going for pcmb hopefully.
        What do you think? In this part of time, I am really considering each and every opinion very carefully!
        Why are we supposed to choose only one road?

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Ma sis is in to medical field,she got in all india entrance so she paid only very less fees ,tat much only I know abt that field.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thr is a v famous entrance centre in kerala,I think in a place called pala,she did coachn frm thr fr a year and cleared the exam,might be a useful infrmatn fr u.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Worrying about something decades ahead or something that is never even gonna happen is totally how I kill my happiness!
    Seems liks this post was meant specifically for me and only me! lol xoxo ❀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s true, it’s far easy and actually applying these in our real life. But happiness doesn’t cost much, just 5Rs. Buy a chocolate and gift it to a child. I’ve done it, their smile is priceless!
      Try to eliminate stress by doing the activities that you love. And yes, Talk to Strangers, it’s a stress buster!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 12th boards *sigh*
        But not completely inactive. I do post once in a while. Just not able to make time to visit fellow bloggers these days.
        Oh how I miss blogging and interacting with you people!

        Liked by 1 person

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